Your Patient's Wellbeing
Is Our Number One Concern

AccuPac® is the Safer Choice for Medication Management

Our AccuPac® packaging allows patients and family caregivers a simple way to manage even complex medication regimens with confidence.

High Patient Adherence

From our specialized packaging to refill reminders, we do our best to make sure staying on treatment is simple. At AccuServ, we help make it easier for patients to take the right medication, at the right time, every time. Our exceptional patient communications and tools help keep patients on track. AccuPac® packaging provides our patients and family caregivers with a simple way to manage even complex medication regimens with confidence.

Patient compliance is complex, and AccuServ Pharmacy® has a solution that will benefit both patient and caregiver.

Better Medication Management Accuracy Means Better Compliance and Improved Safety

Non-compliant patients often exacerbate their condition. The difficulty of the regimen was cited as the main reason that patients are non-compliant. Patients are often confused about when and how to take their medication and which pills to take. This results in patients taking their medication incorrectly or forgetting to take it at all.

AccuPac® is your solution! All medications for one administration time are contained in easy-to-open packets eliminating the need for cumbersome vials and pill boxes.

Poor Medication Management is Dangerous

What percentage of hospital admissions are related to taking medications incorrectly?


That's right, it's 10%!

AccuPac® can help your patients avoid unnecessary hospital admissions with better medication management.

Actually, it's 10%!

AccuPac® can help your patients avoid unnecessary hospital admissions with better medication management.

Partner with AccuServ Today to Take Advantage of AccuPac®.

We’ll reach out to you with the next steps.